página inicial > Transparency > Operational Policies and Contracts > Grievance Procedure

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Grievance Procedure


It is the aim of FBDS to create a positive working environment for all its employees. It is therefore FBDS’s policy to ensure that employees with a grievance relating to the employment can use this procedure to resolve issues as quickly and as fairly as possible.


Grievances are concerns, problems or complaints raised by a staff member in relation to issues such as their working conditions, line management, relationship with colleagues or behaviour of colleagues. In many cases, these problems can be addressed and resolved informally through ongoing working relationships and we always encourage staff to raise any problem informally with your line manager or entity director before invoking a formal grievance procedure. However, where informal discussions do not resolve the problem, or the matter is of a serious nature and it is inappropriate to address informally then it is important that we have an efficient and effective formal grievance mechanism that aims to address and resolve the issue. Refer to FBDS’s Safeguarding Policy.

Formal Grievance Procedure

All grievances will be dealt with sensitively and with due respect for the privacy of any individuals involved. All employees should treat as confidential any information and communication in connection with any part of the grievance process unless and until there is agreement from all affected parties to share it.

The formal grievances process should normally be concluded within one month of the grievance being raised. FBDS will use its best effort to resolve the grievance as speedily as possible and adhere to the timescale given above wherever possible. However, where this is not possible due to the need for further investigation or lack of availability of witnesses or staff involved in the process, time extensions may be necessary. Any additional time requirement will be explained clearly to the staff member who raised the grievance.

The administration of FBDS will ensure that the application of this procedure is implemented fairly and consistently. To ensure consistency, where possible a Director of FBDS will be involved at all stages of the grievance process and document the whole process. He will also make sure that any action agreed is implemented, monitored and reviewed.

Grievance submission
A formal grievance must be put it in writing and submitted to one of the following:

  • The President of the Board of Trustees: this is the normal process and should be followed where the grievance does not involve the President of the Board of Trustees.
  • the Executive Director: this is the process that should be followed where the grievance relates - directly or indirectly - to the President of the Board of Trustees.

When raising a grievance, employees should include the following information:

  1. indicate that it is a formal grievance;
  2. detail any relevant facts, dates and names or individuals involved;
  3. provide information on any informal discussions that have already taken place or action that has already been taken to try to resolve the issue;
  4. where possible, indicate their preferred resolution.

Grievance acknowledgement

Where the grievance is submitted, receipt acknowledgement of grievance should be issued in writing.

Preliminary Review meeting

Within days of receipt of a grievance, a preliminary review meeting amongst the relevant FBDS management, either physically or via a video conference, should be organised to discuss the approach to investigating and resolving the grievance.


In some cases, it may be necessary for an investigation to be carried out into the grievance. The investigation should be led by the individual who receives the grievance, supported relevant FBDS management. It may involve taking statements from employees or any relevant witnesses or reviewing relevant documents.

Grievance Meeting

Following receipt of a grievance letter, the individual who receives the grievance will invite the employee to attend a formal grievance meeting, which can take place physically or via a video conference, normally within 10 working days, or as soon as possible. The employee has the right to be accompanied by a colleague to the formal meeting provided they make a reasonable and timely request.

The following individuals will normally attend the Grievance meeting:

  • the employee who raised the grievance;
  • the Executive Director;
  • the President of the Board of Trustees or, if the grievance relates to the President of the Board of Trustees, one or more FBDS Board members (if needed or requested);
  • an external HR expert (if needed).

During the meeting the employee is given the opportunity to explain their grievance and how they think it should be resolved. The outcome of any investigation is shared and discussed. Options of how to resolve the issue in a mutually acceptable way are discussed and, if possible, agreed.

If a final decision cannot be made at the time of the formal meeting, the individual who received the grievance should tell the employee when they might reasonably expect a decision and what action they will take to help resolve the issue. If a further grievance meeting is considered appropriate, this will be arranged without unreasonable delay.

Outcome and Agreed Action

The outcome of the grievance meeting can be communicated verbally if a decision is made at that time, but will always be confirmed in writing within a reasonable period of the grievance meeting (or final grievance meeting where more than one meeting has taken place). The employee should be notified of their right to appeal against the outcome.